Extrait du documentaire "Les années algériennes" réalisé par Bernard Favre, Philippe Alfonsi et Benjamin Stora

Extrait du documentaire "Les années algériennes" réalisé par Bernard Favre, Philippe Alfonsi et Benjamin Stora
Born in Constantine, Algeria, on December 2, 1950, Benjamin Stora is professor of Maghreb History at the Institute of Oriental Civilizations and Languages (INALCO) in Paris and university Paris 13 - Villetaneuse.
He has a PhD in Social Sciences (EHESS, 1978), in Sociology (University Paris VII, 1984) and in History (1991, University of Créteil, under the direction of Charles-Robert Ageron, with distinction “Very Honorable”). He is the founder of the Maghreb-Europe Institute, which he has been directing since 1991.